2022 Almost Gone--Are You Reaching Your Goals?

Jun 09, 2022

And all of a sudden, it's the second week in June! What the heck happened to the first half of this year?  Summer's here, although you wouldn't know it with the current eastside Washington state weather. However, distractions abound. 

I find it very easy to go to Mac's Nursery and get tons of plants to make my yard gorgeous. Gardening is my valium so it makes me feel better, too. When the weather is gorgeous, I'm outdoors. Of course, there are the NBA championships...I can find a number of things that take me away from work even though I love what I do.

How about you? Are you well on your way to reaching the goals that you set for 2022?  Yeah, I'm writing this because I needed a little check up myself.

Yes, we need to slow down and relax, reflect...do the things that we love besides our work.  I realized that I needed to come up with more strategies to prioritize my goals and dreams, because I want them. 

Here is a strategy (I learned this from a coaching mentor)  that I have been using to coach individuals striving to reach goals or dreams. 

1. It's January 2023. Close your eyes and imagine a wildly successful 2022.  What has happened? How is your life better or different? Who are you impacting? 

Why this statement and corresponding questions?  Vision literally lights up our brains and causes a positive emotional state. If we don't have  a vision to shoot for, our subconscious will do the same things we've always done. I am assuming that your goal or dream is going to take some change. Change is hard. Our minds like to keep everything status quo. A vision will pull us forward.

2. Where are you stuck?  When it's time for you to step up, do something out of your comfort zone and you don't do it? Go to that place in your mind and ask what is holding you back?  People often stop at their fear...what are you afraid of?  Face that fear. You can, you know.  The answers to #1 will help you do just that.

3. How do you want to show up in the above situation? Once you know and face what's holding you back, you can devise a strategy to push forward toward your goals.

4. Do the "Best Possible Future Self Exercise." THIS is my favorite. Write what your life will look like "as if" you are already your best future self.  What do you feel like?  What do you do and/or have? Who have you become?  Writing is really powerful. It lowers our stress level and provides us clarity.  When you write that down, you'll receive some revelations that go with your vision AND strategies to help you with where you are stuck. This will help you "advance confidently in the direction of your dreams"--your different tomorrow. 

It's June, and before we know it, Christmas will be here.  I want us to be able to finish well. I don't want us to get to New Year's Eve and not be any closer to the different tomorrow we may desire.

If you need help with this, I'm just an email away. 

I believe in you,


Jan McDonald
Maxwell Leadership Certified Team