I'm Like My Dog At Times

Aug 22, 2022

"I'd rather hide under the bed, in the closet, or better yet, take me to Eva's."  --Truffle


My dog, Truffle, is at Eva's. It's her favorite place besides home. I took her there because of the Water Follies in Tri-Cities this weekend. As I write this, I can hear the hydroplane boats in the distance. It's the supersonic jets in the air show part that caused me to take her to Eva's 35 miles away. 
During the last air show, Truffle and I spent the days in the closet because she was terrified. The supersonic jets shook the house and were incredibly loud. It was awful. She just sat there and shook. There was nothing I could do to alleviate her terror. It was worse than the 4th of July and New Years Eve.  I didn't want to do that again and I know she didn't either. 
Truffle is ten and a half years old. The fireworks and jets have never hurt her. You would think by now that she could tell herself, "Oh yeah, these may be loud, but they've never hurt me. I'll be okay." Then she could settle down. Nope. 
She doesn't have a choice button. She can't choose to change her thoughts or the emotions that go with them. This fear has been programmed somehow.  We just have to deal with it. 
There are "supersonic jets" that rear their ugly heads in my life, too. Most of the time, I crush them. There's one...fear of financial insecurity (oh geesh, did I really type that out loud?) that can rise up AND if I am not careful, it causes anxiety and grumpiness. Every. Single. Time. 
Have I ever gone without anything?  Have I ever not had enough? Has God ever not provided?  NO!!! I've always had more than I could ask or imagine.
Still, when that fear shows up, if I don't activate my choice button, I like to hide in the closet or under the bed or go to Eva's, so to speak. 
 My choice button resides in that 1/4 second lag time between that subtle thought of financial insecurity and my response. I can entertain that fearful thought or choose to replace that lying fear with faith. I can choose to use the Sword of The Spirit to slash that negative BS (belief system) to smithereens.
I woke up with that sneaky little fear this morning. I took it to Badger (kind of like going to Eva's) and left it out there on the mountain after hearing these Bible verses in my mind.
"Child, everything I have is yours. I am faithful...always." The Sword always slashes fear to bits.
I'm so excited!!!! Because the times that this fear shows up are fewer and farther in between. Soon, I will habitually ignore it. So glad God gave me a choice button!! I can choose the truth of His Word over the BS in my mind!  Yay!!!!
Where are you using your choice button? What is a favorite verse that you like to camp on?

Choosing thoughts of abundance. 


Jan McDonald
Maxwell Leadership Certified Team

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