What Are You Imagining?

Apr 01, 2024

The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man.

    --Napolean Hill
Imagination is what allows us to create a life we wish we had.  By exercising that magnificent mental muscle, we can change our life's outcome through our creative imagination by taking a moment and really imagining what it is we want – with clear details and practicing this everyday until what was once an idea becomes our reality. 

Without imagination we wouldn’t have all of the things around us.  Take the light bulb; Thomas Edison worked diligently on perfecting a commercially manufactured light bulb.  He imagined that it was possible and eventually achieved success.  He has been quoted as saying “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  What if he had not used his imagination and believed in the possibility? 

When my coaching clients learn and practice this, they have amazing breakthroughs!

Napolean Hill devotes a whole chapter to imagination in his book, "Think and Grow Rich."  While we can imagine all sorts of fabulous dreams and scenes in our minds, I think we forget that we can use our imagination in a negative way--when we worry.  Worry is when we focus on a future negative. We often focus on and imagine those particular negative scenarios taking place in our lives.

And the funny thing is, those events, circumstances, and conditions haven’t even transpired yet, and we don’t even know if they ever will.  Ninety percent of the things we worry about never happen anyway.  But we so often worry ourselves sick (quite literally), imagining all the possible negative scenarios that could play out.

What are you worried about today? If you stop for a moment and reflect on what it is you’re thinking about, are you focusing on what it is that you want in your life, what it is that you desire, or are you focused on the exact opposite; on what you don’t want to happen? 

As Napoleon Hill said, and I truly believe, "your only limitation in life is in the development and use of your imagination." Why not develop your imagination and focus on what you truly desire in your life--because what we focus on grows and multiplies. 

Imagining a warm, sandy beach in 2024,