Radiant and Renewed

A retreat for women to reconnect, reflect and re-ignite their passion for life
April 28th from 11:00 am-4:00 pm.

Lunch is included. 


Shannon Spencer

 As a coach and a business owner for 20 years, Shannon's mission is to equip and empower bold and ambitious Christian women who are ready to claim their rightful place in the Kingdom of God, fulfilling their destiny, being their Marvelous Maverick Self!

Jan McDonald

Jan comes from a background of overcoming substance abuse. What changed her life was tapping into The Power within to change negative mindsets. What if you could learn to do the same and develop the confidence to move forward into the life you desire? 

Reanette Etzler

Reanette learned to remove the self-sabotaging mindset to develop a better connection with herself and God. This was life changing. She found when we stop judging and start connecting, we renew our relationship with God, and can see God's purpose for us.

Recharge and Revitalize--Get Your Light Back!

Join us for a transformative day filled with empowering activities, heartfelt discussions, and an amazing opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, all while renewing your relationship with God and yourself. Our retreat is designed specifically for those who seek personal growth, deeper connections and a brighter outlook on life.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from your inner light? Let us help you rediscover your true self and recharge your life at our Radiant and Renewed Retreat - an inspiring, faith-based event designed to bring you back to joy!

Our retreat offers exclusive access to three powerful Christian coaches who will help you:

✓ Overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk.
✓ Understand your true identity and the Power within you.
✓ Develop a stronger connection with God and others.
✓ Reignite your inner light and experience joy once again.

Our action-packed retreat includes:

• A series of uplifting sessions that will transform your outlook while providing practical tools and techniques to combat self-doubt and negativity.
• Inspirational talks from our experienced, faith-based coaches who will share their wisdom and expertise in guiding you on your journey to renewed happiness.
• A specially curated, delectable lunch catered by La Bella Vita Kitchen & Bar to nourish your body as we nourish your soul.
• Time for personal reflection and deepening your relationship with God and yourself.
• The chance to create long-lasting connections with other retreat participants who share your goals and aspirations.

With our faith-based perspective and commitment to inspiring change, you’ll be empowered to tackle life’s challenges with confidence. You will genuinely be radiant and renewed! 

Secure your spot today!
With just 25 spots available, we're committed to providing an intimate and personalized experience for each attendee. Reserve your place now and step into a new chapter of your life - one enriched with confidence, optimism, and joy.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Sign up now and experience the profound, life-changing benefits our Radiant and Renewed Retreat has to offer. You'll leave with a renewed sense of self – ready to take on life’s challenges with faith and courage, and a radiant light within you that can never be extinguished.

Invest in yourself and your future – become Radiant and Renewed.