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What would it feel like to live life without regret?

We all have a past.
We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.
We've all made mistakes.

What if you could take those tragedies and turn them into triumphs? To turn the pain into purpose?

Too many people are living in the pain of regret because they are haunted by their past. The life they are living is more like a nightmare than a dream. They know there is more, yet their past thinking holds them captive. 

My friend, that is not the life God

has intended for you.

I’ve suffered from addiction and realized that the hardest person to lead was me. Overcoming that addiction was the result of surrendering myself and it's old thinking to Christ.

It was realizing my identity in Christ that allowed me to have the freedom to live the life God had intended. To live the purpose He created me for.

I see too many men and women paralyzed by their past and that's why I’ve created this program Chosen.

This study is a deep dive based on my book
Fruitful Leadership: Leading by The Fruit of The Spirit.

This study is going to bring out your chosenness. We will study the attributes of The Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness and self-control. A person who develops and lives by the fruit of the Spirit grows into the person God created them to be and is empowered to live without regret. Walking in the Spirit gives us that power. 

We will become familiar with some mindset changes that could accompany those attributes. All of these mindset shifts and changes have been experienced and personally time-tested to overcome in my own life.

 If you...

➣ have habits you think are not serving you
➣ are held hostage by your past
➣ are unclear what your purpose is
➣ are afraid to pursue that big idea that God has gifted you

this study is for YOU!

At the end of these 6 weeks, if you apply yourself, I believe you will be equipped to be a conqueror in your own life.

In this program, I guide you on ways that you can:

● Grow more confident in Whose you are
● Understand your purpose
● Become more like Jesus
● Experience more of God’s power in your life
● Build better relationships with yourself and others

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Still not sure? Here's what a few participants had to say...

"What this class has done for me.

 The Chosen classed transformed me. It touched my heart and soul. The class showed me what God has been trying to show me for years. I was able to see how God really feels about me. God showed me how to get beyond my past mistakes. I am so looking forward to this new path I will be walking with God and the freedom I now feel.

Thank-you Jan for being Gods messenger to me."

"I never knew that I had the ability to take every thought captive and you gave me strategies to do that so I can change my results by changing my thinking."

Isn't time to move from the pain of regret to living the powerful life God has for you?